19 December, 2009

Lord of the Rings Commentary

Watching the commentary of Lord of the Rings has its advantages and disadvantages. We learn a lot about the making of the film such as special effects and camera angle tricks; however, we don’t actually get to experience the full effect of the film. One effect I enjoys was the way the directors produced the small image of the hobbits to normal people. They mostly filmed two background images together, making the hobbits look smaller than normal, and the normal people looking larger than they actually are. Another thing I found particularly interesting was the fact that they didn’t want to put in an introduction, but it was a requirement so they made an introduction that told about the ring’s origin.

17 December, 2009

Epic Final

A vast landscape full of rolling hills, soaring peaks, and enchanted forest. Hero’s pure of heart and full of valor questing to put and end to a great evil. An unknown force granting divine inspiration of a great power just when the characters need it most. These are some of the qualities of an epic, the greatest stories ever written. I will be discussing the above elements in relation to The Lord of the Rings, the trilogy directed by Peter Jackson and based on the novels written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

I think one of the most important aspects of an epic is the vast world it takes place in. The Lord of the Rings begins in a small peaceful hobbit village called the Shire and we are taken to many exotic locations within the realm of Middle Earth, such as Rivendell, Helm’s Deep, and Isengard. Many establishing shots are used to show landscape. This is a visually appealing way to show just how

vast this landscape is and emphasize the length of the characters journey.

Without a hero and his quest, there is no story, which is why I have chosen to make that my next point. Heroes are a perfect model of the society they come from. They represent all that is good and just. In the beginning of the “Fellowship of the Ring” Bilbo tells Frodo he is the only Baggins that showed true spirit. Frodo also has a purity that no one else has which makes it so that he is the only one who can carry the ring. All others who touch the ring become corrupted by the power it possesses. In Rivendell Frodo says,” I will take the ring, though I do not know the way,” showing his courage and will to do what is right The struggle to maintain his identity represents the struggle of all mankind to hold on to the good in a world full of evil temptations and corruption.

Another important element in an epic is the supernatural. This takes many forms in Lord of the Rings. Of particular interest are the wizards, Gandalf and Sarumon. In the first movie they have a battle using only their magic. This battle also shows that the evil forces are stronger at this point in the film because of Gandalf’s loss; however, in the second film when Gandalf rides over the hill during the battle of Helm’s Deep we see that the forces of good have dramatically increased. A high angle of Gandalf is given to show he is powerful and in control of the battle. The elves are also a strong supernatural figure. They are immortal and most have superhuman grace or agility. In the second movie, The Two Towers, we are introduced to the ents, which are living trees possessing a vast knowledge of the worlds and incredible strength.

The story of Lord of the Rings was intended as a sequel the J.R.R. Tolkiens less complex children’s boo The Hobbit; however, the story developed into much more. Lord of the Rings was written over a twelve year period, and initially intended to be one volume pared with The Silmarillion, but the publisher decided to omit the second volume and publish Lord of the Rings as thee. The writing of such a great story can be and epic quest it’s self.

12 November, 2009

Rocky Paper & Scissors

Rocky, Paper, and Scissors, made by Weston Allen and Tony Thompson of Lawrence High School, was a fairly amusing video parody of Rocky. The freeze-frame introductions at the beginning of the film was a great way to show the characters. It was unclear weather the coach coming around the corner was an editing error or put in for comedy. Music was placed at appropriate intervals in the film, and the music choice in the ending scene made it seem more dramatic. The camera was a little shaky during the tracking shots of the protagonist, but it was a fairly good high school film.

29 October, 2009

Carnival of Souls

Carnival of Souls was written around the setting in 1962. The scrips was written in three weeks and, the movie was filmed on a $17,000 budget and a five man crew. It had little dialog because the director wanted to make a psychological thriller. The movie turned out surprisingly well, although it didn't gain popularity until 30 years later. And even then it was more popular among young and older adults.

15 October, 2009


06 October, 2009



10 September, 2009

Unexpected tragedy

On August 14, 2009 in Helmand, a southern province of Afghanistan, Lance Corporal Joshua M. Bernard was fatally wounded by a rocket-propelled grenade. While laying on the ground injured, an AP Photographer, Julie Jacobson, captured the images of Bernard lying below two soldiers helping him. Jacobson later decided to publish the photo, deeming it portrayed the 'grimness of war and the sacrifice of young men and women fighting it. This is a valid reason for posting the photo, but Jacobson also ignored the wishes of the family, who didn’t want her the publish the photo. This goes against the NPPA Code of Ethics.  

08 September, 2009

Photo Manipulation

Although the editing on this photo is minor, the two pyramids where moved closer together, many would still consider it unethical. Moving pyramids together so the image will fit on a magazine cover may seem insignificant, but it is a misrepresentation of the truth.  It may start as fitting an image on a page, but it doesn't end there.

Speak Finale

It turns out the group Heather joined, the Marthas, are making her do impossible tasks, like decorating the teacher’s lounge. Heather asks Melinda to help and, despite being rejected, she still assists. Heather spends some of her free time with Melinda until the Marthas tell her Melinda gives her a bad reputation. Melinda starts to skip classes and spends her time in an old janitor’s closet she has renovated. The only class she can keep a good grade in is art, which she has with one of her old friends, Ivy. One day after thanksgiving Melinda builds a sculpture out of turkey bones. Ivy comments that it’s creepy, but in a good way.  The two start to talk to each other more. Heather begs Melinda for help decorating for the prom, but Melinda tells her no. Things are finally looking better for Melinda. She just has one more thing she has to do, tell everyone why she called the police at the party.     

24 August, 2009


I started reading Speak last night. It's about a girl, Melinda, who calls the cops at a party, and as a result she is shunned from society. She befriends a new girl who is equally invisible named Heather. Heather is determined to get the two into a group. Unfortunately, when Heather makes new friends, Melinda is rejected.

21 August, 2009

Mathematic Development

Mathematics Development is a great sight for anyone interested in the history of mathematics. It is very informative.

20 August, 2009

First Post

This is a first post to show my teacher I know what I'm doing.