08 May, 2010

Food Inc.

The goal of this video was to make the food industry look as bad as possible, so I think it was a little biased. They filmed farms with the harshest conditions, rather then showing us how the average one ran.

The major reason animals grown for food have such poor living conditions is not because the companies only care about money and power, but we, the consumer, demand food cheaply and quickly. There are also laws in place that make it so places food is grown and processed must maintain a certain level of cleanliness or risk being shut down. As for the way the workers a treated, I think they are just as much at fault. Most workers with poor conditions are illegal immigrants and if they only receive harsh treatment because they can’t complain without risk deportation. Apparently the immigrants think this treatment is better they the working to become a legal citizen.

As for the vast amount of corn grown in the U.S, every region has a prominent crop ours is corn. One of videos points is that feeding a cow grass can kill 805 of the E. coli in the cows system; however, what the video fails to tell us it that not all E. coli are bad. In fact one of the only strains that is harmful to humans is O157:H7, the strain that causes food poisoning. Other strains found in almost all mammals produce vitamin K2, which prevents osteoporosis and coronary heart disease, and prevents pathogenic bacteria from inhabiting the intestince.

The chapter about seed irked me more then the others mostly because it was true. Monsanto can get away with owning the right to seeds not only because they have more money and power, but because so many people of govermental possistions also work for Monsanto. What irritates me the most is that they are all elected official, meaning they where put in office by the American people and most of them continue to be re-elected despite the obvious harm they are causing.